Java program to open Notepad

How to open Notepad through java program: Notepad is a text editor which comes with Windows operating system, It is used for creating and editing text files. You may be developing java programs in it but you can also open it using your java code.

How to open notepad using Java program

import java.util.*;
class Notepad {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Runtime rs = Runtime.getRuntime();
    try {
    catch (IOException e) {
Download Notepad program.
Explanation of code: getRunTime method is used to get reference of current RunTime object, exec method can be used to execute commands. You can also specify a file while opening notepad such as exec("notepad programming.txt") where 'programming.txt' is the file you wish to open, if the file doesn't exist in current working directory then a dialog box will be displayed to create file. You can launch other applications using exec method, for example exec("calc") will launch calculator application. If an application is present in a directory which is not set in environment variable PATH then you can specify complete path of application. If you are still using Notepad for Java development it is recommended to switch to some advanced text editor like Notepad++ or use a development IDE.

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